

Relevance: Yes, Summify: Maybe...

There is little doubt web evolution is moving in the direction of relevance. Take Google Search that now mines the entire social web in real-time via Caffeine - it hasn't improved relevancy so hasn't stopped people increasingly question the quality of Google's search results. More data is generated than can be possibly consumed, even opted-in data. All your feeds - between your email, Facebook, Twitter, RSS aggregator, favourite websites and information you need but haven't even found yet (probably because of data noise) - can you say you consume what is most relevant?

Wishlist Alerts

Why is there no auto-notification service for Amazon's Wishlist?

Having found one third-party "Wishlist Buddy" taken out of action by changes to Amazon's API, it is clear to me why it's unlikely that such an app will return. The wishlist function by itself encourages people to (a) return to the Amazon site and (b) direct them to the products they want to buy. If you are on their site, Amazon makes money: you're more likely to buy similar products, buy on impulse, share links or click through ads. If you're not on their site, Amazon would be losing money on informing you that individual products you have opted to track are being discounted.

Central Media Point

Twitter-led, data-led, maximise information, minimise speculation, translate the local news source, anything else is (a) speculation (b) out-of-date (c) noise (d) inefficient (e) creates hysteria that perpuates fear and cross-border suspicion.